University of Copenhagen

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Geology section
The research activities include different areas within hydrology and hydrogeology: unsaturated flow, multiphase flow, groundwater flow, hydrochemistry, reactive transport, and density affected flow. The activities comprise experimental investigations in the field and in laboratory systems with particular emphasis on processes in heterogeneous environments. Modeling and analysis of flow and transport with the use of numerical models and parameter estimation techniques are central elements in most investigations that cover a range of spatial and temporal scales spanning from pore scale simulations to integrated distributed catchment simulations for transnational river basins. Current research priorities include sea – surface water – groundwater interaction, hydrogeophysics, application of remote sensing in distributed hydrological models, and effect of climate change on groundwater.


Facilities and resources: The group runs a hydrogeological laboratory for standard measurements of hydraulic properties and for controlled experiments in columns and flow flumes. Field equipment is available for hydrogeological and geophysical investigations in wells and boreholes. State-of-the-art geophysical equipment is available for multi-electrode resistivity measurements (SYSCAL Pro Switch 96 Resistivity Meter) and for surface and cross-borehole deployed georadar surveys (Sensors and Software PulseEKKO PE100/500 system). The institute has advanced laboratory facilities for isotope and tracer analysis.

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Geography section
The project is part of activities in two of the research platforms at the department. The research in the platform for ‘Geoinformatics’ focuses on the dynamics of the spatial processes and activities at the surface of the Earth. These objects are analyzed by Earth Observation data and by analysis of digital maps and geolocated data bases, using methods like dynamical simulation modeling and spatial statistics. In particular the combination of methods and data are in focus. The platform conducts research in Africa, arctic and temperate regions of the world, and is involved in several national and international projects and experiments. The research in the platform for ‘Dynamics of landscape and matter in terrestrial ecosystems’ focuses on climate-landscape interactions with a particular focus on subsurface weathering processes, geomorphologic landscape forms and exchange processes between soil-plant-atmosphere systems. The research is mainly taking place at arctic and temperate latitudes. Methods of analysis and instrumentation include micrometeorological measurements, studies of isotopes, ice radar, acoustic seismic, luminescence scanning, dating methods, digital analysis of satellite photos, geographical information systems (GIS), computer simulations, database analysis, among others.


Facilities and resources: The research groups use image processing systems and run a satellite image receiving facility for the reception and processing of data from geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. The department runs a laboratory for analysis of physical properties of the soil as well as analysis of organic and inorganic components of soil. The HOBE project draws upon technical support from the workshop of the department with large experience in building and maintaining experimental test sites in various regions of the word, in particular for micro-metrological measurements, satellite validation installations and eddy correlation equipment.

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