WP9 - Management & Education

Task 1: Management
Center leader: Professor Karsten Høgh Jensen - responsible for project activities and decisions made by the board. He is assisted by a secretary and a scientist. Professor Jens Christian Refsgaard is the deputy center leader.

Management Board: The coordination and decision body which approves changes in the project.

Coordinators: Coordinate the research activities within work packages 1-6 and 10.

Advisory Board: Four international experts advising the Management Board.

Task 2: Internal communication
The internal communication is facilitated through meetings in the management board, annual workshops, ad-hoc workshops and local meetings among members of the project group.

Task 3: Publication strategy

Publications in high-ranked international journals with peer-review. Results are also be presented at international conferences and published in associated proceedings. In addition, the research is published in popular scientific journals and by presentations at national meetings for professionals in water authorities, consulting companies, and industry.

Task 4: Workshops and meetings

The center arranges small workshops where scientists and students can exchange ideas. A larger workshop has also be organized and international scientists participated. Towards the end of the center period an international symposium will be organized preferably in collaboration with an international professional society. Contact will be made to a relevant journal for organizing a special issue of selected papers presented at the final symposium.

Task 5: Dissemination

A website ( www.hobe.dk ) contains general information about the center, with contact coordinates for affiliates. It is updated with results, papers, reports, and a library of documents. The data can be downloaded from a separate data-website with special access. Seminars and workshops are announced with on-line registration. Links to related international organizations are also provided. Results may suggest important impacts on the water resources. Such findings will be communicated to decision makers by press releases or directly.

Task 6: International collaboration

The HOBE center has buildt strong links with a U.S. consortium for the advancement of hydrological sciences (CUASHI) and to the German research center TERENO. Within the EU’s 7th Framework Program initiatives are underway to build a network among existing and planned hydrological observatories. HOBE has expressed interest and expect to join a consortium preparing a proposal when this topic is included in a later proposal call.

Task 7: Educational aspects

The center is connected to the International Research School of Water Resources (FIVA) http://www.fiva.dk. It has as objectives (1) to improve the research education of PhD students, (2) to strengthen and integrate the scientific environment of the PhD students, and (3) to establish a scientific forum for exchange of knowledge. All HOBE-institutions are members of FIVA. All PhD students fully or partially funded by HOBE are associated FIVA. Master students are continuously involved in the research by formulating targeted projects for their thesis work.

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